I'm a Software Engineer based in New York, NY
I have extensive knowledge in JavaScript, React, Node.js, MongoDB, Figma, HTML5, and CSS3. Looking to bring my skills to a tech company improving the lives of its users.
Recent Work
This is an open source project I am a collaborator on. It is built using Next.js, React Flow, and IBM's Carbon Design system. My front-end work includes adding components to the canvas that sends information to the backend for qubit simulations, improving UX, and preparing the project for production. I also built the multi-step docker image that was deployed to the IBM Cloud.
A personal project. Originally built on HTML, CSS, and JS. This version uses the MERN stack hosted on Heroku. It is a CRUD app for sharing and collecting recipes in one easy to access place. You can create a user, add, like, and delete recipes. It also has pagination and search. Currently being updated. Checkout my GitHub for more details.
This is a template project using HTML5 and CSS3. It is fully responsive. I have experience creating static websites using Bootstrap, Tailwind, Heroku, Netlify, and Gastby. As well as different Design Systems such as Material Design, Polaris, and Carbon.
Wireframe and Prototype on Figma
A prototype for a restaurant app. Wireframed and prototyped on Figma.